Monday, June 28, 2010

No Sex Please, We’re Rotifers: Study Documents Use of Hormone Progesterone in Microscopic Aquatic Animals

MIT leads the first team to study a Kuiper Belt object during a stellar occultation Occultation provided enough data to determine the KBO’s size and a

This artist's concept of a Kuiper Belt object found by the Hubble telescope is only 3,200 feet across and a whopping 4.2 billion miles away.
Image: NASA

Flower power makes tropics cooler, wetter

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Researchers Develop Ultra-Simple Method for Creating Nanoscale Gold Coatings

Researchers at Rensselaer have developed a new, ultra-simple method for making layers of gold that measure only billionths of a meter thick. As seen in the research image, drops of gold-infused toluene applied to a surface evaporate within a few minutes and leave behind a uniform layer of nanoscale gold. The process requires no sophisticated equipment, works on nearly any surface, takes only 10 minutes, and could have important implications for nanoelectronics and semiconductor manufacturing.

Mars : Encore plus humide qu'on le pensait