Friday, June 26, 2009

CO2 Higher Today Than Last 2.1 Million Years : Study Offers Detailed Look at Past Greenhouse Gas Levels

Researchers Putting a Freeze on Oscillator Vibrations

University of Oregon work could boost quantum information processing, allow more precise measurements. Hailin Wang, a member of the Oregon Center for Optics and a professor in the UO physics department, and his doctoral student Young-Shin Park performed the research under grants from the National Science Foundation and Army Research Laboratory through the Oregon.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Newly Uncovered Enzymes Turn Corn Plant Waste into Biofuel

CORN STOVER: The remnants (or 'stover') of corn after it's harvested can be a good source of biofuel, especially when combined with the right enzymes.

Large 2009 Gulf Of Mexico 'Dead Zone' Predicted

Mississippi dead zone in 2004. This year's Gulf of Mexico "dead zone" could be one of the largest on record, continuing a decades-long trend that threatens the health of a half-billion-dollar fishery. (Credit: Photo courtesy of NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Protein that Triggers Plant Cell Division Revealed by Researchers

Advance in Understanding Cellulose Synthesis

Exploring High-Temperature Superconductivity and the Pseudogap

Using both scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and angle-resolved photo-electron spectroscopy (ARPES) gives researchers a more complete understanding of high-temperature superconducting materials. STM can show actual atoms on the material's surface. ARPES uses the photoelectric effect by aiming a beam of light (photons) at the material's surface. The photons excite atoms in the material, causing them to eject electrons, which are then captured by a detector. The momentum (speed and direction) of the ejected electrons give researchers information about the momentum of electrons inside the material.

Credit: Nicolle Rager Fuller, National Science Foundation

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Meteorite Grains Divulge Earth's Cosmic Roots

Pacific Volcano Blows Top, Grounds Flights

Sarychev Peak : Location: 48.1N, 153.2E
Elevation: 4906 feet (1496 m)
Sarychev Peak, a stratovolcano, is the most active volcanoes in the Kurile Islands. Sarychev Peak erupted at least 14 times between 1765 and 1989. The largest eruption (VEI=4) was in 1924. Most eruptions are moderate to moderate-large (VEI=2-3) and explosive. An eruption in 1960, the last major eruption, produced a 3 mile (5 km) high ash cloud. An eruption in 1964 lasted only 6 minutes.

Friday, June 12, 2009

International Year of Astronomy

Seven Deadly 'Shrooms

DON'T EAT ME: Some of the world's most toxic mushrooms look dangerously similar to those harvested for food--or recreation.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Brain Cells for Socializing

John Allman (with colleague Atiya Hakeem at Caltech examining elephant brain specimens) is searching for one of the biological keys to human behavior.


Nous vivons une période cruciale. Les scientifiques nous disent que nous avons 10 ans pour changer nos modes de vie, éviter d'épuiser les ressources naturelles et empêcher une évolution catastrophique du climat de la Terre.

Il faut que chacun participe à l'effort collectif et c'est pour sensibiliser le plus grand monde que j'ai conçu le film HOME.

Afin de diffuser ce film le plus largement possible, il fallait qu'il soit gratuit. Un mécène, le groupe PPR, a permis qui le soit. EuropaCorp, qui en assure la distribution, s'est engagé à ne faire aucun bénéfice car HOME n'a aucune ambition commerciale.

J'aimerais que ce film devienne aussi votre film. Partagez-le. Et agissez.

Yann Arthus-Bertrand


Evolution Of Modern Humans

Charles Darwin And The Tree Of Life - Sir David Attenborough

Charles Darwin And The Tree Of Life - Sir David Attenborough

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Engineered Circuits Can Count Cellular Events

Rare Radio Supernova in Nearby Galaxy is Nearest Supernova in Five Years

A Hubble Space Telescope image (left) of the galaxy M82 shows hydrogen gas (red) breaking out from the central starburst (box), a region of intense star formation. A May 2008 VLA image of the starburst region (top left) clearly shows the supernova (SN 2008iz), which probably exploded in January 2008. The two high-resolution VLBA images (lower right) show an expanding shell at the scale of a few light days and proves that the transient source was the result of a supernova. (Milde Science Communication; HST image: NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team [STScI/AURA]; Radio images: A. Brunthaler, MPIfR)